Click here to see which best sellers are on sale. Sale begins Friday 11/22/13 and ends Monday 11/25/13 at 11:59 p.m. PST Sale is not valid on previous purchases. Offers may not be combined. Please note: free item is selected at random. At check-out you may request a free item category (i.e. jewelry, clothing/accessories, toys), and we will try our [...]
Offer ends at 11:59 p.m. Does not apply to previous purchases. Offers can't be combined.
This week we're having an animal themed Friday deal. Many of your favorites are 50% Off for today only. Get 'em while they're in stock! Butterfly Earbuds Phoney - Fox Critter Cups Feed Me Frog Spoon Check back on our blog every Friday for new deals. Have a great weekend!
Some of you may have already begun to notice that there's something different about us. Well...we spent some time pampering ourselves over the weekend, and now we're excited to share our new look, and website with you all. We hope you enjoy exploring the site, and will love it as much as we do. But don't worry, we're still the same Girlz Lyfe on [...]